Our Professional Staff
Our experienced providers are committed to a high standard of patient care and are here for you throughout every stage of your hearing journey.
Who We Are
Hawaii Mobile Audiology & Hearing Aids, LLC was born out of the needs of people close to us. Although Hawaii is the most beautiful state in the nation, its traffic does not match its beauty. We have been ranked the 3rd worst traffic in the U.S.! Hawaii Mobile Audiology puts our professionals in the driver’s seat and allows you to stay on the couch in the comfort of your home. We are able to provide diagnostic audiologic evaluations, video otoscopy, hearing aid fittings and hearing aid verification/real ear measurements in your home. More importantly we are able to counsel you and your family members in regards to your hearing impairment, the communication challenges of your hearing impairment, and teach valuable communication techniques that will increase hearing health and reduce stress.
Hawaii Mobile Audiology & Hearing Aids provides a choice to have complete hearing services within the comfort of your home, let us worry about the traffic! We bring hearing home where we believe the heart of communication lives. Our goals are to identify the type and degree of hearing impairment you may have, involve the family in better communication techniques, and provide and choose hearing aids and ancillary products that enhance your home life and social experiences.
In addition, we offer hearing devices that wirelessly connect your hearing aids to your television, your telephone and individual microphones to enhance your entertainment and communication needs. Smart phone compatibility allows for ease of hearing aid usage. Advanced technology is continuously adapting and changing to tools we use daily, contact us to make your communication life easier and more enjoyable. Your hearing is our concern.

Our Friendly Staff

Annabel P. Anae, AuD
Annabel Anae, has been an audiologist for over 25 years. She is a graduate of Brigham Young University-Provo, Utah with both her Bachelor's and her Master's Degree in Communication Disorders with an emphasis in Audiology. She received the "Outstanding Graduate Student" award while a graduate student at BYU-Provo. She is currently working on her Doctorate of Audiology degree.
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Marnie Mangubat
Executive Assistant
Marnie Mangubat has worked in the medical field for 12 years as a medical assistant. Marnie has lived on Oahu all her life and graduated from Remington College in 2010.
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